JABT - (C)1995-1999 J. Lemmens Driver for the Alva Braille Terminal I have written this driver in first place to satisfy my own needs. To get the protocols from Alva I had to sign a contract that I shall not distribute this information. For that reason I only include the binary. The jabt binary is intended for braille terminals with firmware 010495 or later. If you have older firmware please contact me. Jabt provides both a serial as well as a parallel driver. This version includes screen-reading options. You can link your favorite Text-To-Speech software or hardware synthesizer to jabt. Jos Lemmens Thanks to: Kees Lemmens The makers of BRLTTY: Nikhil Nair (nn201@cus.cam.ac.uk) James Bowden Eric Harbers from Alva who has written the parallel driver.