Begin4 Title: DELORES Version: 0.91 Entered-date: 2004-01-18 Description: DELORES (DEfeasible LOgic REasoning System) is a forward-chaining reasoning engine for defeasible logic, a less expressive but more efficient nonmonotonic logic. In contrast with most other nonmonotonic logics, defeasible logic has linear complexity, allowing DELORES to execute large theories very quickly. DELORES's algorithm extends to general defeasible theories through the use of a preprocessing transformation which eliminates all uses of defeaters and superiority relations. The transformation was designed to provide incremental transformation of defeasible theories, and systematically uses new atoms and new defeasible rules to simulate the eliminated features. Keywords: DELORES, defeasible logic, non-monotonic logic, nonmonotonic logic, logic, reasoning engine, Prolog Author: (Tristan Miller) Maintained-by: (Tristan Miller) Primary-site: 758K delores-0.91.tar.bz2 Platforms: platform-independent Copying-policy: GPL End